英文: An intra-ocular tumor with calcification and lens dislocation were demonstrated by orbital CT and MRI.
中文: 就医后之电脑断层及磁振造影发现其左眼有一具钙化点的眼内肿瘤,同时并有水晶体脱位的现象。
英文: As other statements have concluded, patients at the lowest and highest risk do not benefit from coronary artery calcification (CAC) screening.
中文: 正如其他综述得出的结论,风险性最高和最低的病人并不能冠状动脉硬化片中得到任何益处。
英文: CONCLUSION: Mitral and aortic valves were vulnerable to calcification which was the major change of heart valve in patients with CRF on maintenance hemodialysis,the degree of calcification was closely related to hyperphosphoremia,secondary hyperparathyroi
中文: 结论:慢性肾功能衰竭维持性血液透析患者心脏瓣膜病变均以钙化为主,尤以二尖瓣、主动脉瓣易发,且钙化程度与钙磷乘积、继发性甲状旁腺机能亢进和血液透析年限密切相关。
英文: Calcification in lung lesions is an important assessing factor and usually indicates a benign entity.
中文: 摘要钙化在肺病变中是一个重要的评估依据且常是良性的指针。
英文: Dystrophic calcification of soft tissue or cartilage is the result of calcium deposition in damaged tissues.
中文: 通常软组织的异位性钙化是源自于组织受到外伤后,钙离子沉积造成的结果。