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An intra-ocular tumor with calcification and lens dislocation were demonstrated by orbital CT and MRI.

An interpreter must be fluent in at least two languages. 一名口译人员必须流利地 讲至少两门语言.
An interruption of a program that is initiated by a software instruction. 由软件指令发起的的一个程序的中断。
An interruption of a program that is triggered by the processors own internal hardware. 一个由处理器内部硬件触发的程序中断。
An interview with Sandy Lam &Mark Lui. They talked about each song during the interview. 今天播出了忆莲和雷颂德的录音访问,新碟歌曲逐首讲。
An intoxicated person who commits a crime shall bear criminal responsibility. 醉酒的人犯罪,应当负刑事责任。
An intra-ocular tumor with calcification and lens dislocation were demonstrated by orbital CT and MRI. 就医后之电脑断层及磁振造影发现其左眼有一具钙化点的眼内肿瘤,同时并有水晶体脱位的现象。
An intravenous isotope method for external measurement of cerebral circulation time was applied to rabbits for determining cerebral blood flow. 白兔脑皮层血流之测定系采用静脉内注入放射性物质并配合闪烁摄影术为之。
An intricate pair of handles for a cauldron testifies to Afghanistan's rich past. 这是一件古代器皿上的把手,它反映出古代阿富汗手工艺人的高超技术。
An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze. 迷宫一种复杂的建筑,里面的通道互相连接很容易使人迷路;曲径
An intriguing concept about fate and how simple moments have the ability to change our lives. 一个有趣的关于命运的概念,一个简单的瞬间可以改变命运的概念。
An intriguing twist to the Apophis tale shows why. 从阿波菲斯那引人入胜的曲折故事里可以一探究竟。

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