英文: And scientists are now beginning to recognize these telltale signs.
中文: 科学家们现在开始对这些泄露黑洞秘密的征兆有所认识。
英文: Backflow preventers must be installed in high-visibility locations in order to allow for immediate notice of telltale discharge or other malfunction.
中文: 防回流阀必须安装在清晰可见的位置,以便能够立即注意到排放报警或其他故障。
英文: But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is eliminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass.
中文: 然而,一种能更精细控制晶种周围温度梯度的方法,正逐渐去除这种遮掩不了的瑕疵。
英文: Composed of micro diamonds, aluminum oxide, and silicon carbide, the isotopic distribution of these grains bore the telltale marks of their birth: ancient supernovas and red giant stars, that shone brightly and then flickered out, billions of years ago, b
中文: 由微金刚石、铝氧化物、碳化硅组成的这些微粒的同位素分布透露出它们的诞生:那些数十亿年前,在太阳系尚未诞生时,曾经闪耀并最终熄灭的古老超新星和红巨星。
英文: For five years, those “eyeballs” watched for telltale flashes of light signaling a rare neutrino interaction within the detector volume, and the scientific results made headlines.
中文: 五年来,这些「眼珠子」看遍侦测器在微中子偶尔交互作用后闪出的光讯号,其科学成就也多次上了头版。