*[,rezig'neiʃәn]\nn. 辞职, 辞呈, 听从\n【经】 辞职
英文: 3 The EMPLOYEE may also upon prior thirty (30) days written notice sent to the Chief Executive Officer of the COMPANY hand over his/her resignation for personal reasons.
中文: 若由于其个人原因,该员工可提前三十天以书面形式向本公司首席执行官提出辞职。
英文: A month-long campaign to oust Taiwan's embattled presidentChen Shui-bian reached a climax yesterday as more than 1.5 million people gathered in Taipei to demand Chen's resignation for alleged corruption.
中文: 台湾长达一个月的倒扁运动于昨天掀起高潮,150多万民众聚集台北,要求四面楚歌的陈水扁下台。
英文: A spokesman for the Polish episcopate said the legal basis for the resignation was part of church law requiring a bishop to stand down if he is unable to properly exercise his office [and therefore] is strongly requested to submit his resignation.
中文: 波兰主教团发言人称,主教辞职的法理依据源于教会法,教会法要求主教在“无法正常行使职责,[并因此]遭致辞职吁请”时引咎辞职。
英文: Also, Bush's press secretary submits his resignation as the new White House chief of staff exercises his restructuring clout.
中文: 同时,布什的新闻秘书辞去他的白宫幕僚长官以对改组行使影响。
英文: “You say that it is not the question whether my giving up myself to Christ in faith would do me as much good as it did to them who came to Him on earth; but whether my turning in faith to Patience, Meekness, Humility and Resignation to God, would do to me
中文: “你说这不是问题,当我凭信心将自己完全献上就会自然有相当好的美德,就是其他就近他的一样,我效法他的门徒以基督里完全属他的信心转向忍耐、温柔、谦卑和与神和好的美德上”。