英文: For example, overcapacity and acute price competition in some sectors of manufacturing will continue to mitigate the impact of rising food costs on China's headline inflation.
中文: 例如,在很多制造业领域的产能过剩和价格战将继续减轻食品价格上涨的压力。
英文: Mr Anderson argues that imports should recover as overcapacity is used up.
中文: 安德森先生认为,当过剩的生产能力被消耗殆尽的时候,进口应该会复苏。
英文: Prices and profits slid in the second half of last year, suggesting that overcapacity was hitting hard.
中文: 去年下半年,钢铁价格和企业利润双双下滑,显示出产能过剩带来沉重打击。
英文: The Chinese government has warned that rampant ongoing construction of power plants could cause severe environmental damage and lead to overcapacity in the sector.
中文: 中国政府警告能源厂过于氾滥,可能造成严重的环境破坏,并导致电力供应过剩。
英文: The long-awaited policy document is the latest effort by the government to restrain mounting overcapacity in the Chinese steel industry, which has led to sharp falls in the price of some steel products in recent months.
中文: 这项预计将会长久坚持的政策是中国政府最新的措施,以期限制中国钢铁工业超负荷的高速生产,因为这已令中国钢制品的价格在最近几个月内迅速下跌.