英文: A young housewife whose outrageous and cold-blooded assault left her domestic helper with a ruptured liver was jailed for three and half years.
中文: 年轻主妇冷血而凶残的虐打,导致其女傭肝脏爆裂,昨日被判入狱三年半。
英文: By flaunting their clothes and outrageous hair-styles, young people flout the authority of their elders.
中文: 年轻人借着夸耀自己的衣着和怪异的发型,无视长辈们的权威。
英文: Due to his outrageous behavior, Michael Jackson is regarded by many as an extremely strange man.
中文: 麦克尔·杰克逊惊世骇俗的行径,常让许多人认为他是个极度怪异的人。
英文: For big companies, the idea is simple. Do something outrageous or strange, grab some media attention and cut through the clutter of advertising messages that bombards consumers.
中文: 对那些大公司来说,这种创意既简捷又方便。做一些出格或怪异的举动,以此吸引媒体的关注,同时又能在狂轰乱炸的消费广告中脱颖而出。
英文: From outrageous to tame, here are some quick definitions of some popular (or used to be popular) male hairstyles.
中文: 从野性到顺从,以下便是对一些流行(或曾经流行过)的男士发型所做的快速解读。