英文: A preliminary analysis shows that the east-west asymmetry in the heliospheric equatorial plane is mainly attributed to the spiral structure of the interplanetary magnetic field.
中文: 初步分析表明,行星际磁场的螺旋结构是产生日球赤道面内双重激波对结构东西不对称性的主要原因。
英文: A very small fraction of the Sun's light and heat is emitted in such directions that after passing unhindered through interplanetary space, it hits the Earth.
中文: 在此阶段,能量到达我们所称的太阳表层,并且离散到空间而不再被太阳原子所吸收。
英文: As the wind carries this interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) away from the sun, the field lines typically stretch out so that they are directed radially (pointing toward or away from the sun).
中文: 这种行星际磁场(IMF)的磁力线基本上都是往外拉的,也就是径向的(即不是指向,就是背向太阳的方向)。
英文: As we have noted above, though, large rocks make fast interplanetary voyages very infrequently.
中文: 不过,前面曾经提及,在行星之间快速飞行的大石块相当罕见。
英文: By definition, interplanetary travel is travel between bodies in a given star system.
中文: 星系旅行是指在给定的行星系统内在不同星体间的旅行。