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social reality


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英文: From Marxist point of view and proceeding from the attributes of the natural beauty and social beauty of physical training, the article expounds the essence of sports beauty, putting forward the idea that sports beauty is the beauty of social reality whic

中文: 摘要运用马克思主义的哲学观点,从体育的自然美、社会美的属性入手,阐述了体育运动美的本质特性,提出体育运动美是包涵着自然属性或自然因素的社会现实美的观点。        更详细...
英文: From the characteristics and advantages of university continuing education and the basic social reality of diversified needs for social continuing education, this paper discusses the scientific position of continuing education run by universities with a f

中文: 摘要从大学继续教育特点、优势,社会继续教育需求多样化的基本社会现实,讨论大学继续教育办学的科学定位,重点阐述了大学继续教育差异化办学的基本思想和实现途径。        更详细...
英文: From the perspective of cultural anthropology, this thesis tries hard to give Ovid a historical justness, through the cultural spirit that came down in one continuous line from Greek to Roman, social reality in ancient Roman, the value orientation of Ovid

中文: 从文化人类学的角度切入,以希腊和罗马一脉相承的文化精神、古罗马的社会现实、奥维德本人的价值取向以及他对女性的基本态度等方面解读《爱经》,当可还作者一个历史的公正。        更详细...
英文: Speaks of the drama since childhood in the Liwa story in the successional variation process, LI Ya-xian, ZHENG Yuan-he and these two artistic image in has the evolution unceasingly, and these have the inseparable relations with the social reality and the

中文: 在李娃故事从小说到戏曲的演变过程中,李亚仙、郑元和这两个艺术形象在不断地发生演变,而这些又和社会现实和故事本身的发展有着密不可分的关系。        更详细...
英文: This essay summed up the 25 years of jurisprudence in the overall features of the development process. Exploring a concern to look into the social reality of jurisprudence.

中文: 摘要文章总结了中国法理学25年来发展过程中的总体特征。希望能够探寻一种关注社会现实的法理学研究进路。        更详细...

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