英文: A British Airways 777 en route to Tel Aviv diverted to Larnaca, Cyprus as a precaution.
中文: 事发后出于安全考虑,一架正飞往特拉维夫的英国航空公司波音777客机改道飞向塞埔路斯的拉那卡。
英文: And the Palestinian terrorists who blew up a Tel Aviv nightclub last Friday underscored the continuing fragility of what has now been almost two months of steady political and diplomatic progress between Israelis and Palestinians.
中文: 而上周五巴勒斯坦恐怖分子在特拉维夫一家夜总会制造的爆炸事件再一次提醒人们:以色列与巴勒斯坦之间持续了近两个月的政治和外交进展依然如履薄冰。
英文: Crying relatives also gathered Friday at the Tel Aviv airport.
中文: 当天还有恸哭的亲属聚集在特拉维夫机场。
英文: Dafna Lemish of Tel Aviv University has described babies at six to eight weeks attending to television.
中文: 特拉维夫大学的莱米许曾经描述,出生六至八周的小婴儿会去注意电视画面。
英文: In Tel Aviv a young man crawls into a room in a construction site where a number of people are staying.
中文: 在特拉维夫,一位年轻人爬进一个工地,在那里居住著很多人。