英文: Best Award sad day: NI Ping dayfor a book sent NI Ping glory, The bizarre incident divorce again NI Ping onto center of storm, regardless of whether they really divorce, Best sad day this award-Mo few she wants is the matter with the NI Ping compete not t
中文: 《日子》一书曾让倪萍风光无限,离婚事件的扑朔迷离又把倪萍推到风口浪尖,无论是否真的离婚,最佳难过日子这个奖项非她莫数,谁要是再跟倪萍争就太没有风度了。
英文: But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore,the child continued warily.
中文: “但是见不到你,我会难过的。”小孩小心翼翼说道。
英文: I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?
中文: “我没有心情,也老大不小了,我要远航放松一下,你能给我一条船吗?”
英文: It would be sad if we didn't win at least one out of the Premiership and Champions League.
中文: 如果我们不能获得联赛冠军或冠军联赛中的一项,那将是非常令人失望的。
英文: It's just sad the way this city is,resident Sam Dawson said. On the news you hear killings, someone's been shot.
中文: 该市的市民山姆说:“城市这样真的很让人伤心,”“新闻里说‘杀人了’,有人被枪击了。”