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normal value


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英文: A fair and reasonable comparison shall be made between the export price and the normal value of an imported product, with due allowance for factors which affect price comparability.

中文: 对进口产品的出口价格和正常价值,应当考虑影响价格的各种可比性因素,按照公平、合理的方式进行比较。        更详细...
英文: Article 30 Where a product is imported at less than normal value of the product and causes or threatens to cause material injury to an established domestic industry concerned, or materially retards the establishment of a particular domestic industry, the

中文: 第三十条产品以低于正常价值的方式进口,并由此对国内已建立的相关产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害的威胁,或者对国内建立相关产业造成实质阻碍时,国家可以采取必要措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁或者阻碍。        更详细...
英文: The margin of dumping shall be established on the basis of a comparison of a weighted average normal value with a weighted average of prices of all comparable export transactions or by a comparison of normal value and export price on a transaction-to-tran

中文: 倾销幅度的确定,应当将加权平均正常价值与全部可比出口交易的加权平均价格进行比较,或者将正常价值与出口价格在逐笔交易的基础上进行比较。        更详细...
英文: This paper has researched the methods of identifying and dealing with the abnormal values in theory, and solved some key technological problems in identifying and dealing with abnormal value by computer, and set up the module which identifies and handles

中文: 为此研究了从理论上判断和处理异常测值的方法,解决了利用计算机手段判断和处理异常测值的一些关键性技术问题,建立了大坝安全监测信息管理系统中的异常测值判断和处理模块。        更详细...
英文: When there are no or insufficient sales of the like product in the ordinary course of trade, or where because of the particular market situation such sales do not permit a proper comparison, the normal value of the like product shall be calculated on the

中文: 当在正常贸易中类似产品的交易额为零或不足,或者在某种特定的市场条件下此种交易并无适合的可比物时,类似产品的通常价值应该按这样的基础来进行计算:原产国生产成本加合理的销售费用,加一般成本和行政管理成本以及利润;或者也可以使用在正常贸易过程中,出口到第三国的出口价格,如果这些价格具有代表性。        更详细...

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