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The margin of dumping shall be established on the basis of a comparison of a weighted average normal value with a weighted average of prices of all comparable export transactions or by a comparison of normal value and export price on a transaction-to-tran

The march to Italy was begun. 向意大利的进军开始了。
The march toward perfection, as Wang learned in the Yankees' 8-1 victory on Saturday, can become a lonely path. 准完全比赛,王建民带领洋基在星期六以8-1获胜,这是一条孤独的道路。
The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
The marching men had to close up to let the on-coming convey go past. 行军的人们不得不靠紧些以便让前来的运输队过去。
The mare foundered under the heavy load and collapsed in the road. 那母马因负载过重而倒在路上.
The margin of dumping shall be established on the basis of a comparison of a weighted average normal value with a weighted average of prices of all comparable export transactions or by a comparison of normal value and export price on a transaction-to-tran 倾销幅度的确定,应当将加权平均正常价值与全部可比出口交易的加权平均价格进行比较,或者将正常价值与出口价格在逐笔交易的基础上进行比较。
The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales. 安全边际是预计销售量(或销售额)与保本销售量(或销售额)之差。
The margin of sampling error for all adults was plus or minus 3 percentage points. 调查结果误差为上下三个百分点。
The margin of the phase-angle is big enough to select the fault phases. 该选相元件在选相过程中裕度角较大,有效地解决了弱电源侧的选相问题。
The marginal benefit theory of water resources was applied to studying the economic benefit of water resources, and an input-output model with capital, labor forces, and total water consumption taken as independent variables and total industrial productio 运用水资源边际效益原理研究水资源经济效益,提出了以资金、劳动力、总用水量为自变量,以工业总产值为因变量的投入产出基本模型,用以确定水资源对工业生产的贡献率。
The marginal cost of manufacturing pills is, after all, negligible. 毕竟,生产药丸的边际成本可以忽略不计。

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