英文: He calls a religious upbringing a form of indoctrination and equates it to child abuse.
中文: 他将宗教抚养称作一种教化形态,并将之等同为虐待儿童。
英文: However, other lessons including mentality speech (l2hrs), learning of indoctrination (8hrs), party and group matters (36hrs), common political lesson (36hrs) had a total of 92 hours which meant more stress on mentality training in fact.
中文: 综合而言,青年团的成立本身就隐含政治色彩,在抗战时期一则要团结青年,一则要青年具备强健体魄,为国服务。
英文: In Maoist-controlled areas, families are expected to feed and shelter soldiers, as well as to volunteer members for political indoctrination sessions.
中文: 在毛派分子控制的区域中,平民家庭被要求提供军人食宿,以及自愿派出成员参加政治教化集会。
英文: Mr Hu has also presided over one of the most intensive indoctrination campaigns among party officials in recent years.
中文: 胡主席领导了这几年最彻底的对党干部的教育工作。
英文: Through ideological indoctrination and monopolization of political and economic resources under the practice of the “one-party dictatorship” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Communist authorities have been able to control people's thinking and wa
中文: 共产党凭藉意识形态、等级产权制、政治运动等控制大陆人民的生活、思想与行动,同时垄断所有的政经资源,作为共产党统治的最大基础。