英文: A perfect example of how you just had to ignore human nature to see that part of the future.
中文: 脱离人类的天性去畅想未来,有一个绝佳的例子。
英文: ABSTRACT: The reason of city-alienation is that the matter-purpose has covered the human-purpose and the human nature has yielded to substance-desire.
中文: 摘要:推究城市异化的根由,源于物的目的遮蔽了人的目的,人性屈从于物欲。
英文: Abstract: The human nature views of behaviorism psychology and psychoanalysis psychology and humanistic psychology were introduced by this paper, according to Lei philosophy, author have analysed them.
中文: 摘要本文介绍了行为主义、精神分析学派和人本主义学派的人性观,并从类哲学的角度对其进行了解读。
英文: As a result, they begin their elegiac literary creation in which they are seeking for the rent of the constancy and goodness of human nature rooted in the deep structure of Chinese culture with feudal society as its social background.
中文: 乡土社会既孕育了“京派”作家们自己生命中农耕文化情致,又承载了农耕文化所有美好的人性因素,既原型意义地构成作家的深层心理背景,又为其作品提供了土壤意义的意象体系和文化内涵。
英文: As much as they hated English-style aristocracy (and insisted that a system of nobility never be instituted in this country), they knew enough about human nature to recognize that distinctions between rich and poor will always remain.
中文: 虽然他们痛恨英国式的贵族统治(并且坚持贵族制度在这个国家永远不会发生),但是对人性的了解使他们充分认知富人与穷人间的差异将永远存在。