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As much as they hated English-style aristocracy (and insisted that a system of nobility never be instituted in this country), they knew enough about human nature to recognize that distinctions between rich and poor will always remain.

As much as he would like to believe it, this is all baloney to him. 阴差阳错下,药水令光仔在一夜间变成一个二十多岁的成年人。
As much as it is best to not overreact to any win or loss, it can be a little like the judge ordering the jury to disregard that incredibly compelling, unforgettable testimony when the witness broke down on the stand and spilled his guts in a scene the Pe 最好不要对胜利或失败反应过度,这有点象在审判中命令陪审团不顾他人看法强制执行一般,当证词被证人所推翻,记者帕利梅森似乎有些想的太多了.
As much as man can only express himself through language, culture is the only means by which his subjectivity can be manifested. 人通过语言表达自身,但其主体性只有通过文化才得以彰显。
As much as possible, API graphic methods are used to speed up process. 只要可能,可以用API图形方法来加速进程。
As much as the Rockets needed their three-game sweep of the road trip, when they return home on Saturday, there will be a three-game home losing streak waiting for them. 三个客场之旅,火箭横扫了对手,当他们周六回到主场时,主场三连败正在等着他们(明显是作者失误,主场只剩两场比赛了).
As much as they hated English-style aristocracy (and insisted that a system of nobility never be instituted in this country), they knew enough about human nature to recognize that distinctions between rich and poor will always remain. 虽然他们痛恨英国式的贵族统治(并且坚持贵族制度在这个国家永远不会发生),但是对人性的了解使他们充分认知富人与穷人间的差异将永远存在。
As much as we enjoyed the original M&M worlds, they had a certain science fiction undertone, while we really wanted to focus on the fantasy aspects – the “might” and “magic”, as it were. 过去魔法门系列的世界里包含了过多的相关信息,让新的玩家很难能够了解每一件事情。
As much as we hate to admit it, we are still faced with age-old stereotypes and unjust prejudices that need addressing. 我们不想承认,但是目前还是得面临别人多年来的刻板印象和不公平的成见,这些都是需要釐清的。
As much as we may deny it we are free in this life. 就如我们常常会否认这一点,我们有自由掌握自己的生活确实是不争的事实。
As much as you'll want to believe in someone who is promising you the world you are best to shy away and protect your heart. 双鱼座:虽然你想去相信那个承诺了你整个世界的人,还是最好回避一下,保护一下自己的心。
As much awake to the novelty of attention in that quarter as Elizabeth herself. 在那一季对引人注意的新奇事物的感知象伊丽莎白自己一样多。

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