英文: A day after winning his third world floor title the 26-year-old from Bucharest took his third vault gold with a combined 16.487 after two jumps.
中文: 在摘取世锦赛自由体操冠军后一天,来自布加勒斯特的26岁老将,以两跳后的总成绩16.487获得他的第三次跳马冠军。
英文: At first Matei's story, which begins in Bucharest in 1938, seems like a World War II-era spy thriller, complete with Nazi agents in trench coats and a femme fatale with swastikas on her garters.
中文: 马泰的故事始于1938年的布加勒斯特,起初看似二次世界大战期间的谍报惊悚片,披着风衣的纳粹特务和吊带袜上有纳粹党徽的蛇蝎美女一应俱全。
英文: Corneliu Turianu, a Communist-era judge who is one of the council's 11 members, flips through a thick stack of paper at his Bucharest home, running his finger down the lists of vetted names, looking for his own.
中文: 现任议会11位成员之一的前政权法官图连奴翻开放在他布加勒斯特家中的厚厚一叠文件,顺着一个个名字找自己的名字。
英文: Delio Rossi agrees with Pandev who stated that Lazio can go to Bucharest and win 3-0.
中文: 罗西同意潘德福关于我们能在客场取得3-0的说法!!!
英文: In 1989 he struck twice to destroy Steaua Bucharest in the European Cup final and bring the trophy back to Milan for the first time in 20 years.
中文: 在1989年,他在欧洲冠军杯与布加勒斯特星队的决赛里梅开二度,帮助米兰在20年之后重新夺回冠军杯。