英文: But the researchers speculate the hellish rate of evaporation might completely scour all gas off smaller hot Jupiters or those closer to their stars than Osiris.
中文: 不过,研究者忖度著,对于那些更小型、或比欧西里斯更靠近其恒星的热木星型行星,那如地狱般猛烈的蒸发率很可能就会把它们身上的气体剥除得一乾二净。
英文: Heating makes the molecules of a material move faster, increasing the rate of evaporation .
中文: 加热使物质的分子运动得更快,结果就加大了蒸发的速率。
英文: More meaningful comparisons can be made by comparing water loss from the potometer with that from an atmometer (an apparatus used to measure the rate of evaporation from a porous pot or other nonliving wet surface), which allows uncontrolled evaporation.
中文: 更有意义的是,可以比较蒸腾计的失水与蒸发计(通过有孔小罐或者潮湿表面来测量蒸发速率的仪器)的失水间的区别。
英文: The rate of evaporation depends on the material and such factors as the temperature, the surface area, amount of ventilation, and the pressure exerted on the surface.
中文: 蒸发速率取决于材料及诸如温度、蒸发面积、通风量和施加在此蒸发面上的压力等因素。