英文: According to the calamity, divining aid war described In Zuozhuan, the theory of Yin-and-Yang represents such forms as natural calamities, medicine and interaction between man and nature, which are significant for the historical development of the theory
中文: 摘要阴阳思想在《左传》记载的灾异、占卜、战争活动中有自然灾害、医学、天人感应等表现形态,对于兵家阴阳思想发展历史有着重要意义。
英文: According to this paper, the historical development of the regionalism in Xinjiang has distinctive characteristics and the establishment of city-regionalism is the result of the social, political and economic progress in Xinjiang.
中文: 摘要本文认为,新疆行政区划的历史发展有着自身独特的特点,城市型区划的最终确立,是新疆社会、政治、经济发展推动的结果。
英文: Admitted welfare is the fruit of the whole society, this paper tries to explore the background of welfare pluralism from two perspectives: the historical development and the critics of welfare states.
中文: 它主张社会福利来源的多元化,既不能完全依赖市场,也不能完全依赖国家,福利是全社会的产物。
英文: As a main component of Chinese ethos, the spirit of Confucian culture has played an active part in the historical development of Chinese society.
中文: 摘要儒家文化精神作为中华民族精神的主要组成部分,对中国社会历史的发展起过积极的作用。
英文: He said:” it is an objective trend and rule of historical development to update the art ideas; we should use foreign culture for reference, but can not change ourselves blindly or give up the studying and inheriting of traditional culture day by day; we m
中文: 他认为:“艺术观念的更新是客观必然的趋向,也是历史进步的规律,对外来文化的借鉴是必要的,但不能一味对外求变,不能递减对传统的研习和继承,必须立足本土,发展具有实际意义的属于中国的民族特色。”