英文: A: You shouldn't yawn when you're in class.
中文: 你不该在上课时打哈欠。
英文: And as investors yawn at America's deficit, so too do policymakers.
中文: 而且随着投资者对美国的赤字的不以为意,决策者也开始变得如此。
英文: Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.
中文: 蚂蚁醒来时要伸懒腰,而且在开始一天的工作之前会像人那样打哈欠。
英文: Do you start the day with a yawn instead of a smile?
中文: 你每天是不是以一个哈欠开始工作,而不是满面笑容?
英文: Handsome, robust, and supple, he threw back his head, flung his arms open, and stretched himself with a slow twist of the waist and a leisurely growling yawn of white teeth, as natural and free from evil in the moment of waking as a magnificent and uncons
中文: 英俊、健壮、柔韧,他将头向后一仰,张开双臂,缓缓扭动腰肢,从容不迫地张大满口白牙的嘴巴,打个大哈欠,伸个大懒腰,在这苏醒的刹那间,他一派天真无邪,仿佛是头优美、不省人事的野兽。