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英文: Abstract: This paper sums up characteristics of Au anomalies within Tertiary red clastic beds in a certain area of Qinghai Province,and points out that Au anomalies mainly exist in the middle part of the Tertiary strata, that anomalies are most strong in

中文: 文摘:对青海某地第三系红色碎屑岩层中的金异常特征进行了综述,指出金异常主要存在于第三系中段岩层中,异常在水系沉积物中强度最大,并认为金异常由次生富集作用形成。        更详细...
英文: Based on a study of statistics of gold geochemical parameters and an analysis of distributiom of geochemical and placer anomalies in eastern Shandong and Jiaolei basin, this paper has probed into gold-rich and gold-bearing strata in Jiaolei basin and poin

中文: 摘要通过对鲁东地区及胶莱盆地金地球化学参数统计结果的研究和对地球化学异常、重砂异常分布规律的分析,探讨了胶莱盆地富金及赋金岩层,指出了胶莱盆地的找金前景及找矿方向。        更详细...
英文: Based on an analysis of dynamic conditions for migration and precipitation of gold grains in water system and their diffusion in soil, this paper has advanced a discriminant formula for surfacce ore potential of gold anomalies from 1:50000 stream sediment

中文: 摘要在分析金粒在水系中运移、落淤和在土壤中扩散动力条件的基础上,本文建立了五万分之一水系沉积物测量金异常地表含矿性的判别公式,阐述了推算异常内矿石最高金品位的方法并计算了秦巴地区的判别指数;总结出万分之一土壤测量矿致金异常的标志特徵、矿体定位的估算公式及各级次地形坡度角的系数和常数。        更详细...
英文: Based on an integrated study of geochemical data obtained in southern Songliao basin in the past 20 years, this paper has given a rough description of the oil and gas micropercolation and origin of geochemical anomalies in this area, the main factors affe

中文: 摘要通过对松辽盆地南部近20年化探资料的综合研究,概述了该区的油气微渗漏与化探异常成因、地表化探主要影响因素、化探方法指标有效性、异常信息提取技术及化探异常模式,总结出适合于该区的有效油气化探方法系列以及一套干扰因素的排除、异常信息提取及化探异常解释评价技术。        更详细...
英文: “Many authors have convincingly shown that proponents of M1 have not been very successful — if at all — in providing statistical evidence for such correlations between anomalies and earthquakes, nor for stating what would distinguish a 'precursor-type' fr

中文: “许多作者令人信服的表明,M1的支持者在提供异常与地震之间相关性方面的统计数字证据方面,以及说明如何区别‘前兆型’异常和‘非前兆型’异常方面是不太成功的2。        更详细...

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