英文: Animal bionics in the Tujia minority dance is an important content in the Tujia minority dance, and it possesses unique artistic form of expression and deep civilization connotation.
中文: 摘要土家族舞蹈中的动物仿生类舞蹈是土家族舞蹈中的一个重要内容,具有独特的艺术表现形式和深刻的文化内涵。
英文: Fitsgerald in The Great Gatsby reveals the collapse of an American dream with a perfect artistic form and shows that post-war America was reduced to a selfish and indifferent country where money excels over anything else, desires for materials rather than
中文: 摘要《了不起的盖茨比》以完美的艺术形式向读者诉说了一场美国梦的破灭,揭示出战后美国社会金钱至上、没有感情只有物欲、自私冷漠的现实。
英文: Looked from the ancient times esthetics angle that, the art of tattoo was one kind of special artistic form of human body decoration, which was a wonder in the art history in the ancient times.
中文: 从古代美学的角度来看,纹身是一种特殊的人体装饰艺术形式,是古代民族艺术发展史上的奇葩。
英文: The genie ci poetry, an artistic form which appeals to heating, is closely related, naturally, to many musical instruments for accompaniment, and creates an effect in which sentiment is conveyed through melody and one complements the other.
中文: 摘要词体是诉诸听觉感受的艺术形式,与诸多伴奏乐器一道,营造出以声传情、声情并茂的表达效果。
英文: There is a correspondence between the artistic form of sonnets and the poet's life experience, implying a process of experience and contemplation.
中文: 摘要《十四行集》的艺术形式与诗人的生命体验是契合的,它暗含着一个体验、沉思的过程。