英文: A generally aloof creator race, the titans are now a subject of significant interest on Azeroth, at least for the dwarves.
中文: 作为一种通常趋于避世的造物者种族,泰坦现在是艾泽拉斯世界最有意义和最感兴趣的话题之一,至少对矮人来说是如此。
英文: A spin-off of the new system will be improvement in identification and resolution of hit and runincidents and motor vehicle accidents.
中文: 新系统的意外收获获将是促进辨识并解决在事故及车祸中肇事逃逸的情形。
英文: Above all,the doctor said, you must eat more fruit, and particularly the skin of the fruit. The skin contains all the vitamins. What is your favorite fruit?
中文: 总之,大夫说,你应该多吃水果,尤其是水果皮。果皮含有各种维生素。你喜欢哪种水果?
英文: And a word to the young artists: a real friend and mentor is not on your payroll.
中文: “年轻的艺术家们必须记住一点:不要雇佣你的良师益友。”
英文: And certainly I'd like to know once and for all, was an Australian approved doctor allowed to visit Mr Adree when requested?
中文: “并且我想彻底搞清楚,在必要时允许一名澳大利亚核准医师探访阿得里先生吗?”