英文: 4 species in tropical Africa,Madagascar,Asia and New Guinea.Imported mainly from New Guinea and a little from Indonesia.Sap used for poison of arrows.
中文: 计4种﹐分布于热带非洲、马达加斯加岛、亚洲及新几内亚﹐主要由新几内亚进口﹐部份则由印尼。树液可供作箭矢毒药。
英文: A clay bar is the perfect choice for removing bonded contaminants like overspray and tree sap mist that won't flush off with washing.
中文: 研磨泥是最好的选择,它可以去除聚积在一起的污染物,像残余物和树液,它们是单纯用清水清洗不掉的。
英文: Also known as weeping fig, benjamin tree, or small-leaved rubber plants, all ficus have milky sap in their leaves and stems that is toxic.
中文: 小叶橡胶树又被称为本杰明树,其叶子和树茎内均含有有毒的牛奶状树液。
英文: Anthocyanin One of a group of water-soluble pigments found dissolved in the sap of higher plant cell vacuoles.
中文: 花青素:在高等植物细胞的液泡中的细胞液内所含的水溶性色素。
英文: Arrange purchase requisition according to SAP information and actual production requirement such as for bulk quantity of materials and tools, etc.
中文: 根据SAP提供的信息及生产实际需求(如大批量的原材料和工具等)安排采购申请。