英文: CBD Headquarter Apartmentat Shuanghuayuan Nan Li, is located westside of East Third Ring Road,10 mins' walk to the World Trade Center and CBD; all rooms southbound with a beautiful and broad view; the community green and quite;transportation and shopping
中文: 位于东三环国贸桥与双井桥中间马路西侧,距离国贸/CBD步行10分钟;厅与两居均朝阳,日照长,视野开阔;小区环境优美、安静;周边交通、购物十分便利;业主为大学教授,为人热心,好打交道;欢迎在京国际友人租赁。
英文: How long will this wicked community grumble against me? I have heard the complaints of these grumbling Israelites.
中文: 27这恶会众向我发怨言,我忍耐他们要到几时呢?以色列人向我所发的怨言,我都听见了。
英文: I believe you're the salt of the earth, the mayor told200 very middle-class-and very pro-Koch-people at the Manhattan Beach Community Group's annual meeting.
中文: 在曼哈顿海滩社区团体年会中,市长告诉200位十分地道的中产阶级,和十分拥护葛市长的人说:我相信各位是最优秀、最高尚的人。
英文: It was something to see,Thompson said. There was no organized solicitation effort. People and community groups just read or heard about the program and stepped up to the plate.
中文: 汤普森说:“这种情形的确不同寻常,我们并没有进行什么有组织的募捐活动。人们和社区组织只是了解到有这一行动计划后便自发地慷慨解囊。”
英文: It&aposs more important to create a community portal than a library web site.
中文: 创建一个社区门户比创建一个图书馆网站更重要。