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It&aposs more important to create a community portal than a library web site.

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble. 路17:2就是把磨石拴在这人的颈项上、丢在海里、还强如他把这小子里的一个绊倒了。
It would be detrimental to the development of some of the younger players who have come into the side and done well. “这样会损害到一些已经融入球队并且发挥出色的年轻球员的发展。”
It would be sad if we didn't win at least one out of the Premiership and Champions League. 如果我们不能获得联赛冠军或冠军联赛中的一项,那将是非常令人失望的。
It would have been easy to move on, but I couldn't leave the club and the fans in that predicament. “本来离开是个很简单的事,但要在俱乐部和球迷处于困境时离开,我做不到。”
Its a bit disingenuous for the CIA to refer allegations to the inspector generalafter the agency itself approved questionable techniques, he said. 他说:在这个机构允许使用有争议手段后,中情局把辩解提交给检查官是没有诚意的。
It&aposs more important to create a community portal than a library web site. 创建一个社区门户比创建一个图书馆网站更重要。
It'll be a nice feeling for me before the game, but once I'm on the pitch I'll concentrate on the game. “本场比赛前我的感觉不错,但是当我回到球场时我将重新聚精会神。”
It's Mr. Jensen,said the landlord. He often stays in room 14. The poor man must be ill. “是延森先生。他总住14号房间,那可怜人一定是病了。”
It's Zeta-Jones who keeps you watching from start to finish. 多亏泽塔琼斯,你才能从头看到底.
It's a 1982 Toyota,he replied. It's a four speed, and, yes, it has a tape deck . Pleased, I asked what color it was. “是1982年产丰田车,”他回答说,“四速,还有,是的,有磁带舱。”我甚是高兴,又问是什么颜色的。
It's a big game, the biggest of my career,Ben told ManUtd.com. “这是一场重要的比赛,我职业生涯最重要的。”本告诉曼联网站。

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