英文: Do you want TAIWAN to be an independent state with full international and legal legitimacy ?
中文: 「你想要台湾成为一个在国际上和法律上具有合法性的独立国家吗?」
英文: Bell wrote that report 85 years ago, as what was then Mesopotamia was struggling to rebuild after World War I and create an independent state that the British would call Iraq.
中文: 贝尔85年前就写下了这份报告。报告内容是美索不达米亚地区历经战后重建的痛苦后建立了一个独立的政权,即这个英国人口中的伊拉克。
英文: The US leader renewed his commitment to the internationally drawn plan for peace that calls for Palestinians to dismantle extremist groups with an eye on getting an independent state living at peace with Israel as early as 2005.
中文: 美国领导人重新制承诺定了一个和平计划,号召巴勒斯坦着眼于建国大业,解除极端团体,最终在2005年前建立一个与以色列和平相处的国家。
英文: The causes of the defeat were following: The Turkish government which strived for establishing and strenthening a new national independent state and realizing modernization did not allow the Kurdish separatism within its borders; the Kurds lost the suppor
中文: 其失败的原因,一是由于谋求建立、巩固新兴民族独立国家和实现现代化的土耳其政府不能容许境内库尔德人的分离主义;二是由于国际形势的变化,库尔德人失去了西方国家的支持;三是与库尔德人自身的分裂有关。
英文: The causes of the defeat were following: The Turkish government which strived for establishing and strenthening a new national independent state and realizing modernization did not allow the Kurdish separatism within its borders;
中文: 其失败的原因 ,一是由于谋求建立、巩固新兴民族独立国家和实现现代化的土耳其政府不能容许境内库尔德人的分离主义 ;