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social sciences

【经】 社会科学

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英文: The Epistemological Relevance of the Dialogue between Natural Science and Christian Theology, in Dialogue II: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity, edited by He Guanghu and Edwin Hui, Beijing: Social Sciences Documents Press, 2001, pp. 354-79.

中文: 自然科学与基督教神学对谈的知识论意义〉,收于何光沪、许志伟合编,《对话二:儒释道与基督教对话》,北京:中国社会科学文献出版社,2001年,页354–79。        更详细...
英文: A dearth of students pursuing doctoral degrees in the humanities and social sciences could lead to a shortage of college professors by the turn of the century, according to a comprehensive study.

中文: 根据一项综合研究,缺少攻读人文学科和社会学科博士学位的学生可能会导致新世纪大学教授的短缺。        更详细...
英文: According to the information released by the Hong Kong University Faculty of Social Sciences Social Sciences Research Centre, the estimated number of marchers is between 105,000 and 120,000 based upon an analysis of photo frames taken at the pedestrian br

中文: 港大社会科学院社会科学研究中心透过金钟天桥摄录机拍到的游行队伍画面,统计影像中出现的人数,估计出参与游行人数介乎10.5万至12万人。        更详细...
英文: Although he later served as head of the Department of Social Sciences at Antioch College, Ohio, 1921-22, he henceforth regarded his academic colleagues as petty adversaries determined to persecute him for his popularity.

中文: 从此他便视他的学院同事为偏狭的对手,认为他们因他的声望坚持要迫害他,即使之后他于1921-22年担任了俄亥俄州的安提俄克学院的社科系主任。        更详细...
英文: Bao Lufang of the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences says the government should refrain from demolishing all of them because of the vital role they play in encouraging migration.

中文: 北京社会科学院的包路芳表示,北京市政府应该有节制地拆除这些村庄,因为它们在促进人口流动方面起了重要作用。        更详细...

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