英文: A tuning fork socket tester is also needed to do final test without damaging the balls.
中文: 还有不会损坏植球的音叉测试座用来作最终测试。
英文: If hearing loss is suspected, perform a tuning fork test.
中文: 如疑有听力丧失,可行音叉测试。
英文: They act as an intermediary transducer, much as a tuning fork which when struck, and then being brought into proximity of another tuning fork, will start the second fork to begin vibrating also.
中文: 他们担当了中间媒介变换器角色,非常像受了敲击的音叉,紧接着就引起了另一个音叉的共鸣,就会引起第二个音叉也同样开始振动。
英文: Thus, when the first tuning fork is struck then placed into proximity of the second one, the second now begins to vibrate at its own frequency, and the third also being in the correct position will also begin vibrating at its own frequency pattern.
中文: 这样,当敲击第一个音叉时候把它靠近第二个音叉,第二个音叉现在就会以它自己固有的频率振动,而同样第三个音叉放在合适的位置上也会以它自己的频率模式振动。
英文: When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.
中文: 音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰。