英文: According to the World Bank, taxes now make up just 33 per cent of the average retail price of a pack of cigarettes in Indonesia, compared with 75 per cent or more in many developed countries.
中文: 据世界银行的统计,印尼的烟税只占烟草平均零售价格的33%,而世界许多发展中国家占到了75%。
英文: At least 33 are dead in India after a 150-year-old footbridge collapsed onto railroad tracks, burying the train beneath tons of rock.
中文: 在印度,一座具有150年历史的人行天桥坍塌在铁路上,造成至少33人死亡.火车被埋于数吨岩石之下。
英文: Gunfire erupted in the Virginia Tech campus : killing at least 33 people in a dorm and an academic building, and 29 people had been injured, in attacks more than two hours apart.
中文: 弗吉尼亚理工大学校园内发生了严重枪击案:在分别两个多小时内的枪击中,在宿舍与校园内至少有33人死亡,29人受伤。
英文: World Intellectual Property Organization Deputy Director-General, Francis Gurry, says China increased its patent filings by almost 33 percent over 2004, bumping it into third place in the rankings.
中文: 2005年底,据称有560万份世界范围内的专利实施。最高的专利国是日本、美国、中国、韩国、欧洲专利局。报告称这五个专利局在2005年占据了世界专利申请量的3/4.。
英文: World Intellectual Property Organization Deputy Director-General, Francis Gurry, says China increasedits patent filings by almost 33 percent over 2004, bumping it into third place in the rankings.
中文: 在2005年年底,在世界范围内有大约560万专利生效,最大的专利联盟是日本、美国、中国、韩国和欧洲专利局。报道称这5个占据了2005年专利的四分之三以上。