英文: Are you feeling any better today?Fan knew that his wife had tuberculosis,which was not easy to cure, but he took care of her very tenderly.
中文: “今天好些了吗?”范问他的妻子。他妻子患了肺结核病,这种病很难治,但是他还是悉心照料妻子。
英文: Beautiful, marvellous. We are feeling good, we are together, it is healthy, better than this...it beats the Dolce Vita.
中文: 「很美、很了不起,我们觉得很好,能在一起,很健康,媲美好的生活。」
英文: Connectednesscovers a lot of ground: a feeling of being primarily Chinese, a sense of being most at ease in dealing with life in a (not the) Chinese way, and not least, retaining those useful connections inside China without which careers here are difficu
中文: “联系”所包含的面很广:一种基本上是中国人的感觉,在用一种(而不是唯一的一种)中国方式处事时感到很自在,而不容忽视的是,保持国内的那些有用关系,没有了这些关系是很难在国内发展事业的。
英文: Designas mentioned in the Patent Law means any new design of a product's shape, pattern or a combination thereof, as well as its combination with the color and the shape or pattern of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial
中文: 专利法所称外观设计,是指对产品的形状、图案或者其结合以及色彩与形状、图案的结合所作出的富有美感并适于工业应用的新设计。
英文: Every time I pass by funeral homes or cemetries, even in broad daylight , I always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear.
中文: 这个人说:“每当我走过殡仪馆或墓地的时候,那怕是大白天,我总是感到阴森森,好像鬼就会出现似的。”