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Every time I pass by funeral homes or cemetries, even in broad daylight , I always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear.

Every rule has its exception. 翻译:任何规则皆有例外的时候。
Every single individual on earth has both the potential and the right to live a decent life. 诺贝尔和平奖评审委员会在声明中说:“世界上每个人都有能力也有权利过一种体面的生活。
Every team wants to beat Chelsea. Every time Chelsea lose everybody is happy. It is more difficult on the pitch and more difficult outside. “每支球队都希望打败切尔西。每次切尔西输球大家都会感到很开心。无论是场上还是场下,都比以往更加困难了。
Every time I ask Joe to pay back the money he borrowed from me, he sings the blues about all the things at home he needs money for. 这人说:“每当我要乔还他借我的钱的时候,他总是诉苦,说他家里有多少开支。”
Every time I look at that black and gold lacquer box on my desk, it calls up memories of our trip to Bangkok last year. 从这句话我们可以知道,这个说话的人去年访问了泰国。他说:“每当我看到我桌上那个黑色和金色的盒子,我就回想起去年访问曼谷的情景。”
Every time I pass by funeral homes or cemetries, even in broad daylight , I always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear. 这个人说:“每当我走过殡仪馆或墓地的时候,那怕是大白天,我总是感到阴森森,好像鬼就会出现似的。”
Every time we come, we learn something,Cooper said. It's quite a resource. 库伯说:“每次来这里,我们都能有所收获。这个节日对于我们来说是个很大的资源。”
Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for … animals. Do it for the environment, and do it for your health. 「每当我们坐下来准备吃东西时,我们都在做选择。那麽这时请选择素食主义吧!为了动物们,为了环境,也为了您的健康。」
Every time we went to see him, the scouts, myself or Tord, we had good reports during the last two-and-a-half months. He's in very good shape - that's important. “每次我去看他的时候,球探、我自己或者托德。我们在过去2-3个月里对他印象很好。他状态出色——这很重要。”
Every time, better and better,Wang said. 王建民说:每一个时间,我都觉得越来越好。
Every vow and every binding oath to humble herself, her husband may confirm it or her husband may annul it. 民30:13凡他所许的愿、和刻苦约束自己所起的誓、他丈夫可以坚定、也可以废去。

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