英文: Now, people oftentimes live through personal disasters-natural disasters-in which they are pitted against nature as they know it, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes.
中文: “注意,人们经常从他们所知的与自然的搏斗的他们个人的灾害-自然灾害-中生还,比如象暴雨、洪水和地震。
英文: There is no escaping the power of nature. People who have done wrong bring misfortune down upon themselves and upon their families. Those who go against nature bring themselves tragedy.
中文: 没有人能逃脱自然的掌控。谁犯下罪过,不幸就会降临到他和他的家人身上。违背自然规律的人迟早会给自己带来灾祸的。
英文: But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year, you will have to do more work and the result will not so good.
中文: 如果你不顺其自然,不适时地耕作,你就得付出更多的工作,而结果也不好。