英文: A blood test showed that Lewis had a blood-alcohol level of .132 about an hour after he was stopped.
中文: 血液检测显示刘易斯在他被拦下的一个小时之后他的血液里的酒精达到了.132的水平。
英文: After registering a blood alcohol level well over the legal limit, the man ran onto the road and picked up a live snake.
中文: 对这名男子进行测试后发现,此人血液中的酒精含量已超出法律规定上限,但就在此时,他却突然跑向道路中央并从地上捡起一条活蛇。
英文: Those with blood-alcohol levels up to 0.23 per cent — or nearly three times the legal driving limit of 0.08 per cent — had a 24 per cent lower chance of dying in hospital than those with a blood alcohol level of zero, the researchers found.
中文: 研究者们发现,血中酒精浓度达到0.23%——几乎是法定驾驶浓度限度0.08的3倍——的患者在医院中的死亡风险要比血中不含酒精的患者低24%。