英文: The People's Bank of China will strengthen consultation and cooperation with other government agencies and institutions, continue to improve the personal credit information database by gradually including complete personal identity information and relevan
中文: 人民银行将继续加强与其他政府部门和机构的协商、合作,继续完善个人信用信息基础数据库,逐步完整采集个人的身份信息和社保、住房公积金、税务、教育、法院、公用事业等单位的相关信用信息,通过整合,使分散的债务信息变为个人的财富和生产力,更好地服务百姓、服务社会。
英文: Thus no one has ever refuted the scepticism of David Hume about causation, the conception of personal identity and the existence of an external world of nature, but we all go on acting on the assumption that cause and effect are real and that we are the s
中文: 休姆对于个人特性的构成与大自然外在世界的存在具有一定的因果关系、提出怀疑,并没有人加以驳斥,但我们仍然都按照一些假定生活下去:因果关系是真实的,今天的我跟昨晚就睡的我是同一个人,在我们周遭的世界并不是一个梦中的虚构事物。