theme song
主题歌, 信号曲, 套话
英文: China Mobile seized the occasion, adding a link at the top of her blog's home page to announce that the theme song of Dreams May Comesung by Xu herself could be downloaded for cell phone rings.
中文: 中国移动抓住这个机会,在她的博客首页添加链接,声称可以下载由旭静蕾演唱的〈梦回故里〉主题曲作为手机铃声。
英文: If we felt dubious about Jane's dream about Grammy and the theme song of Olympics, how would we feel when Jane sings in the concert to be broadcasted live to the whole world in this August?
中文: 如果说一年前靓颖说她梦想格莱美,梦想奥运主题歌,我们还将信将疑,甚至觉得她大言不惭的话,那么当今年8月份,靓颖出现在向全球直播的美国演唱会现场时,我们还会怀疑吗?
英文: The album is currently being sold with the single Huo Yuanjia, the theme song of the movie Fearless.
中文: 该专辑最近携单曲《霍元甲》(电影《霍元甲》主题歌)继续大卖。
英文: The pride of many Singaporeans and NTU, Stefanie had twice been chosen to perform the official theme song for National Day.
中文: 另一方面,孙燕姿也曾经两度获选演唱新加坡国庆主题歌,这是许多新加坡人与南洋理工大学的荣耀。
英文: The song in the video is the theme song sang by Hong Kong singers to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR. The Song is in Cantonese.
中文: 在影片里的是一首为了庆祝香港回归10周年,由很多位香港歌星一起主唱的主题曲。歌里的歌词是广东话唱的。