英文: Although it will cost much to decontaminate the soil and clean the body of water that has been heavily polluted, obviously it could be seen as a unique spatial resource for urban redevelopment.
中文: 这些已经被污染的用地尽管需要花费高昂的代价去整治,但也具有很高的商业开发价值。
英文: And it can significantly increase luster, decontaminate and anti-electrostatic.
中文: 并带有一定的芬芳气味。
英文: Any craft that lands on Mars, or might crash there, must be carefully and thoroughly sterilised lest it contaminate the planet with earthly microbes, rendering it impossible to distinguish between domestic and imported organisms.
中文: 任何降落或坠落在火星上的太空船,都必须经过严格彻底地杀菌处理,以避免地球微生物的污染导致无法分辨有机物到底来自火星还是地球。
英文: Are you brave enough to impeach or disclose the units or individuals that contaminate environment?
中文: 你有勇气检举、揭发污染环境的单位和个人吗?
英文: “You have international terrorism, abject poverty, sanitations, contaminate (pandemic) diseases and most importantly (these days)of these is, climate change issue.
中文: “我们面临着国际恐怖主义,贫困问题,医疗卫生问题,大范围流行的疾病和最重要的全球气候变暖问题。”