*[vә'lju:minәs]\na. 卷数多的, 大部头的, 著书多的, 长篇的, 庞大的, 很多的, 盘绕的
英文: If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.
中文: 如果封面或封底必要的文字太多而导致看起来不清晰明了,那么你可以把优先的条目(尽量适合地)列在封面或封底,剩下的那些接在邻近的页面里。
英文: Mr Mailer's style has grown more padded and voluminous over the years as his subject matter has taken him further away from what he knows, and the novel smacks of digression at times.
中文: 多年来,梅勒的文风演变得愈发杂乱、冗长,仿佛他的主题将他领向陌生的领域,而且他的作品也有多处显得离题。
英文: No darkroom is needed, and thousands of patient images can be stored on a computer instead of in voluminous file cabinets.
中文: 工作人员可以快速从电脑撷取资料,并将档案传给医师。
英文: The tea saint Lu Yu wrote in his voluminous grand work Tea Scripture: “Tea that grows on Qingcheng Mountain Zhangren Peak, is the top-rank of teas.
中文: 茶圣陆羽于其煌煌巨著《茶经》中写道:“茶生青城丈人峰,为茶中上品”。
英文: To help forge a consensus, we recently came together under the aegis of the American Psychological Society to review the voluminous research on the mental processing that underlies skilled reading and on how reading should be taught.
中文: 为了协助形成共识,在美国心理学协会的赞助下,我们最近针对阅读的心理过程及阅读教学法,回顾已经积案盈箱的研究文献。