英文: Environmental issue has been a common concern for the whole world, in recent years, we have witnessed global warming, desertification, sandstorm and extinction of rare species around the world.
中文: 环境问题已经引起了全世界的关注,在近几年,我们见证了全球气候变暖、沙漠化、沙尘暴及珍稀物种灭绝。
英文: It all started years ago when a couple of them discovered she had a rare species of woodpecker coming to her bird feeder.
中文: 这一切发生在多年前,有两个鸟类学家发现有只稀有品种的啄木鸟来吃她喂食器里的食物。
英文: It is a rare species discontinuously distributed in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Hainan and is thus of scientific interest in studies of the floristics of these areas.
中文: 本种为稀有种,间断分布于台湾、香港和海南岛,不见于中国内地,对植物区系地理研究有科学价值。
英文: It is a rare species with a fragmented distribution and small population size and is thus of botanical interest.
中文: 本种是一稀有种,分布区间断而且个体稀少,具有科学研究价值。
英文: Several years ago a rare species of bird for some unknown reason .
中文: 几年前,因为某种无人知晓的原因,这种稀有的鸟绝迹了。