英文: 1866 saw the next and most important landmark in the history of Hong Kong's coinage with the opening in the Colony of a branch of the Royal Mint in Causeway Bay.
中文: 一八六六年,英国皇家造币厂在香港的铜锣湾成立了分厂,在第一年即铸造五种不同的银币。
英文: A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.
中文: 一小队人马在堤道上急急地赶路。
英文: A week later on Wednesday July 13th they will travel to Wycombe Wanderers' Causeway Stadium to play the League Two side with a 7-45pm kick-off.
中文: 一周后的7月13日星期三,他们将前往威肯比流浪者队的堤道球场,与这支乙级联赛队伍进行一场晚上7点45分开球的比赛。
英文: After they had finished water-skiing, they took off to have fun in Causeway Bay.
中文: 滑饱水之后,一行人便出发到铜锣湾继续消遣。
英文: Anyway, if you want to check out the other office units in Wanchai or Causeway Bay, I can provide the information for you.
中文: 无论如何,如果你想在湾仔或铜锣湾找写字楼单位,我可以为你提供资料。