英文: After adding hot water, the ruby-like and resplendent tincture is revealed. It contains abundant vilamins, fruit acids and minerals.
中文: 图片介绍:呈现红宝石般,璀璨的颜色,丰富维他命、果酸及矿物质。
英文: Although the Five Dynasties saw no extra-ordinarily famous writer or works, parallel prose with its splendent achievements in history, had not been fade away in this dynasty.
中文: 摘要骈文在五代十国时期,虽然未出现大家名作,但作为一种积年发展,并曾经有过辉煌历史的文体在此时期并未消逝。
英文: And being thus inflamed in that contemplation, on that same morning he beheld a seraph descending from heaven with six fiery and resplendent wings; and this seraph with rapid flight drew nigh unto St Francis, so that he could plainly discern him, and perc
中文: 就在同一天的早上,方济各正专注于沉思的时候,他看见一个有六个火焰般的翅膀的撒拉弗从天而降;这个撒拉弗立刻的靠近到方济各那里,所以,他可以看清楚他,他察觉到他做成被定十字架的样子;他的翅膀是这样摆列的,两个在头上,两个伸展开,另外两个遮住身子.
英文: Chariness brings refinement life, MEIOU Sanitary will go to try its best to create more glorious and resplendent future.
中文: 精心带动精致生活,在新的世纪里,美鸥洁具将继续为更加灿烂辉煌的明天而努力!
英文: History.ln the ancient era, Chinese people have reated resplendent bronze civilization.Jiangxi province was for several time the copper industry center of china.
中文: 历史古老而年青的中华民族曾经创造了辉煌灿烂的青铜文明。地处长江腹地的赣东北一度成为华夏铜工业重镇。