英文: 2006“Xin Yue Cup” National Strongman Championship Competition (Zibo, Shandong) was held from October 27th to 28th in Shandong Polytechnic University.
中文: 2006年“新月杯”山东淄博全国大力士冠军赛于10月27、28日在山东理工大学举行。
英文: After graduating from the Polytechnic School in Zurich he wrote scientific papers in his spare time while working as a Swiss patent officer.
中文: 从苏黎世联邦工业大学毕业后,他供职于瑞士联邦专利局,并在业余时间撰写科学论文。
英文: After maore then 10 years of exploration, a relatively perfect multiple function campus network information system has been formed in Jiangsu Polytechnic University.
中文: 江苏工业学院历经10余年的探索,形成了较为完善的综合性、多功能校园网络信息应用系统和服务平台。
英文: After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the university was molded into a polytechnic institution focusing on engineering in the nationwide restructuring of universities and colleges undertaken in 1952.
中文: 中华人民共和国成立后,经过1952年国家高等教育的院系调整,清华大学成为一所多科性的工业大学,重点为国家培养工程技术人才。
英文: “A major and very successful development in the early years was the establishment in 1976 of the novel Industrial Centre for providing comprehensive professional and technological training of Polytechnic students.
中文: 理工)学院早期最重要及最成功的建设,莫过于成立意念非常创新的工业中心。