英文: A spin-off of the new system will be improvement in identification and resolution of hit and runincidents and motor vehicle accidents.
中文: 新系统的意外收获获将是促进辨识并解决在事故及车祸中肇事逃逸的情形。
英文: I keep telling my friend it's foolish to gamble all of his money, but it's like water off of a duck's back.
中文: 这是说:“我一直告诉我的朋友,不要那么傻,把所有的工资都用在赌博上。可是,我的话对他全然不起作用。”
英文: I keep telling my friend it's foolish to invest all of her money, but it's like water off of a duck's back.
中文: 这是说:“我一直告诉我的朋友,不要那么傻把所有的工资都用在投资上。可是,我的话对他全然不起作用。”
英文: The doctors tell us it's dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off of some people like water off a duck's back.
中文: 这是说:「医生都告诉我们抽烟对身体是有害的。可是,这种劝告对于有些人来说就像耳边风一样,毫无作用。」
英文: The doctors tell us it`s dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off of some people like water off of a duck's back.
中文: 这是说:“医生都告诉我们抽烟对身体是有害的。可是,这种劝告对于有些人来说就像耳边风一样,毫无作用。”