英文: A Veteran Sergeant makes squads tougher, harder to suppress, and gain experience more rapidly.
中文: 一个中士老兵也能让步兵班更加坚强,更难被压制并且更快获得经验值。
英文: Akutagawa Ryunosuke's novel, The General, the first of his anti-war series in his late years, was an elaborated description of Japanese troops' suicide squads and their blindness, rare option and madness, in contrast with the anti-Japanese Chinese people
中文: 摘要芥川龙之介后期反战系列小说之首篇的《将军》,着力描写了日军敢死队精神上的盲目、无奈和疯狂,对照表现出中国抗日志士的镇定从容、大义凛然和视死如归,辛辣讽刺了侵华日军“持枪盗贼”的本质,矛头直刺日军偶像乃木希典,而这一切是在日本军国主义方兴未艾之时发出,是在日本本土中心发出,是由身为日本作家的芥川龙之介发出。
英文: Anti-riot squads were called out to deal with the situation.
中文: 镇暴队奉命出动以应付这一局势。
英文: Corporations, increasingly frustrated with ineffectual efforts by governments to crack down on piracy, have either turned to private detectives for help or have even built their own antipiracy squads in hopes of stemming the avalanche of bogus merchandise
中文: 由于各国政府打击假冒伪劣产品成效不显著,各公司渐感失望之馀,转而求助私家侦探,甚至自己成立反仿冒小组,希望能遏止排山倒海而来的伪造商品。
英文: Each Company is slightly larger than a standard Codex Company, and squads were reorganised following Roboute Guilliman's writing of the Codex Astartes after the Great Heresy.
中文: 每个连队都比一般包含了一千名战士的其他星际战士战团要大,而战斗小队则在那场可怕的叛乱后根据罗保特基里曼的著作阿斯塔特盛典进行重组。