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英文: This pelt wearing party girl is all animal skin and bones. Nicole's an incredible shrinking woman with the heart to match,the Sun quoted a PETA spokesperson, as saying.

中文: 《太阳报》援引“动物人道主义协会”一位发言人的话说:“这个喜欢穿皮毛衣物的派对女孩看上去像是动物皮毛包着的一堆骨头。她的良心和她骨瘦如柴的身材完全相称。”        更详细...
英文: ' she thought. `I must be growing small again.' She got up and went to the table to measure herself by it, and found that, as nearly as she could guess, she was now about two feet high, and was going on shrinking rapidly: she soon found out that the cause

中文: 她想,“我一定又变小了,”她起来走到桌子边,量一量自己,正像她猜测的那样,她现在大约只有二英尺高了,而且还在迅速地缩小,她很快发现是拿着的那把扇子在作怪,于是她赶紧把扇子给扔了,总算够快,要不然岂不就缩得没有了。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Comparison and study of the biotic characters in the Jinggu and Longchuan basins in Yunnan Province show that: (1)the two basins underwent the developing period, expanding period and shrinking period from early Miocene Epoch to Pliocene Epoch; (

中文: 文摘:通过对云南景谷盆地及陇川盆地新生代生物群特征的对比,探讨了新生代两大盆地环境演变:早中新世到上新世为湖盆发展期→湖盆扩大→萎缩期,气候为早期的千燥→中新世早期的温暖湿润→中新世中晚期的寒冷阴湿→上新世的干燥,而中新世中晚期湖盆的扩大形成的半深湖-深湖环境为油气的形成提供了有利条件。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In the course of deeply processing of nonmetal mineral, because of the compact structure of mineral, most liquid-solid phase reactions conform to shrinking core model, including unstable diffusion with boundary-moving.

中文: 文摘:在非金属矿的深加工过程中,由于矿石结构致密,大多数液-固相反应符合缩芯模型,其中包含有边界移动的不稳定扩散。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Unsaturated polyester with low shrinkage composied of anti-shrinking agent,thermoplastics,dispersion-stabilizer,a kind of graft copolymer made from styrene and saturated polyester,shaped like a comb for its molecular structure and UPR in certain

中文: 文摘:研究了当用热塑性树脂作为不饱和聚酯树脂低收缩剂时,合成了以苯乙烯为主链,聚酯为枝链的梳状接枝共聚物,作低收缩剂的分散稳定剂,配合相应组成的不饱和聚酯树脂得到了具有低收缩特性的不饱和聚酯组成物。        更详细...

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