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Abstract: Unsaturated polyester with low shrinkage composied of anti-shrinking agent,thermoplastics,dispersion-stabilizer,a kind of graft copolymer made from styrene and saturated polyester,shaped like a comb for its molecular structure and UPR in certain

Abstract: Under given conditions, structual evolution and metamorphic process of organic matter control generation, enrichment and preservation of coalbed methane. 文摘:在一定条件下,构造演化和有机质热演化史,控制着煤层气的生成、富集和保存特征。
Abstract: Under the base of investigation and research on natural radioactive nuclein in coal of Yili area,combining with the distributing characteristic and law of radioactive nuclein in coal of area and residents' customer of using coal in Yili area,the 文摘:在对伊犁地区煤中天然放射性核素调查研究的基础上,结合伊犁地区煤中放射性核素分布的特点、规律以及伊犁地区居民的用煤习惯,有的放矢的提出了减量化、资源化、无害化以及全过程管理原则的防治措施,为伊犁地区的经济发展,煤炭资源的合理开发和利用,防止因煤炭的开采利用而造成的污染,建设性的提出了切实可行的方案和途径。
Abstract: Under the condition of using the polydimethylsiloxane as adhesive, a new ignitio n composition and its column preparation are studied; analyses and tests have be en made to the effect of powder performance and quality,and thus the key technol og 文摘:研究了以聚二甲基硅氧烷为粘合剂和可燃剂的新型点火药配方及其药柱的制备工艺;对影响药剂性能、质量的因素进行了分析试验,解决了成形工艺中的技术关键。
Abstract: Under the laser irradiation,the characteristics of the metal ion in the deposition processes are described in the paper. 文摘:介绍在镀液中,在激光光束作用下,金属离子沉积过程的一些特点,并对其原因进行了简单的探讨。
Abstract: Under the matrix loss function, the necessary and sufficient conditions of linear admissible estimates of nonestimatible parameter functions for a general linear model are obtained. 文摘:一般线性模型可估函数的可容许估计问题已有详细的讨论。对一般线性模型在矩阵损失下,得到了不可估函数的线性估计为可容许估计的充要条件。
Abstract: Unsaturated polyester with low shrinkage composied of anti-shrinking agent,thermoplastics,dispersion-stabilizer,a kind of graft copolymer made from styrene and saturated polyester,shaped like a comb for its molecular structure and UPR in certain 文摘:研究了当用热塑性树脂作为不饱和聚酯树脂低收缩剂时,合成了以苯乙烯为主链,聚酯为枝链的梳状接枝共聚物,作低收缩剂的分散稳定剂,配合相应组成的不饱和聚酯树脂得到了具有低收缩特性的不饱和聚酯组成物。
Abstract: Upgrading supplement level with the supply chain integration as the core is the trend of food distribution industry of 21st century. 摘要:21世纪食品流通业发展的态势是:以供应链集成为中心、以提升补货物流水平为重点。
Abstract: Using NOAA/AVHRR data observed at Urumqi,Fukang,Altai,Balikun monitoring station during 1992~1994,the annual variation characterisitics was studied and the differences of grass yield and AVHRR vegetation indices were compared.The grass yield and 文摘:采用1992~1994年牧草产量资料、NOAA/AVHRR资料分析了北疆主要天然草地牧草产量与卫星植被指数的变化特征,结果表明牧草产量和卫星植被指数都存在周年变化,用卫星植被指数可以较好地反映牧草产量的年际变化和不同类型天然草地的牧草产量差异,但对草甸草地和草原草地的监测效果比对荒漠草地监测效果好,利用实测资料建立了新疆北部主要天然草地牧草产量遥感监测模型。
Abstract: Using furan sand to produce heavy diesel engine block and crankshaft eliminated defects of castings including “penetration/burn-in”,“shrinkage porosity”,“big dimension deviation” of cylinder block,“penetration/bum-in”,“misrun”and“run-out”of cran 文摘:树脂砂铸造工艺应用于大型球墨铸铁件整体铸造柴油机缸体、曲轴生产上消除整铸缸体“粘砂”、“缩松”、“尺寸偏差大”及曲轴“粘砂”、“浇不足”、“漏铁液”等铸造缺陷,具有明显的效果。
Abstract: Using high pressure greasing technique, the special protection grease for steel cable is poured into the flax wick of steel cable at the operation. 文摘:采用高压注脂技术,向运行中的钢丝绳麻芯内注入专用的钢丝绳防护脂。
Abstract: Using measurements, surveys and new analytical tools, an MIT-led international team is helping Chinese policy makers analyze their nation's cokemaking industry and assess potential economic impacts of strategies to clean it up. 摘要:借助各种测量、实地调查和新的分析工具,以麻省理工学院为首的国际研究小组正在帮助中国决策者分析中国的焦炭生产行业,评估产业清洁化战略措施的潜在影响。

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