英文: All right,said the grocer,I'll sleep in the barn.And off he went.
中文: “好吧,”杂货商说,“我去牲口棚睡。”他转身走了。
英文: Americans experience insufficient sleep and corpulent bodies. Clinicians are aware of the burden of obesity on patients,the study said.
中文: 该研究指出:“美国人普遍睡眠不足﹑体型超标。医生们已经认识到肥胖给病人带来的负担。”
英文: 1 Eyepatch: for fathers who fly a lot, an eyepatch ensures them a good sleep even on airplanes.
中文: 眼罩:为那些经常飞各地的老爸.一副眼罩可以让他们在飞机上有个较好的睡眠.
英文: 1 The organization is called Asian Pacific Sleep Society, Inc. (here-in-after called “APSS”).
中文: 1我们组织的名称为亚太睡眠学会(以下简称APSS)。
英文: “There's not a lot of evidence to show that sleep quality and quantity is declining,” she says. “What we are finding is that people are doing more complex tasks than they used to, and that sleepiness is affecting their lives adversely to a greater extent.
中文: “没有太多证据显示人们的睡眠质量和数量都在下降,”她表示,“我们发现,人们的任务比以前更为复杂,‘磕睡’正在更大程度上给他们的生活带来负面影响。”