英文: To have a stadium with no counting system and no turnstiles is unforgivable for any standard of game, let alone a major final,explained Parry.
中文: 佩利﹕「用一个冇完善人流控制系统既球场黎举行一场大赛系绝对唔可以原谅既﹐何况呢场系重大决赛。」
英文: Americans, she reckons, are a bit neurotic about adultery; in other countries it counts as a regrettable lapse, but not necessarily an unforgivable act of heinous betrayal.
中文: 她认为美国人对于通奸行为有点儿神经质;在其它国家这只能算是一种令人遗憾的堕落,而不是一种不可原谅、十恶不赦的背叛行为。
英文: Destruction of its traditional culture is an unforgivable crime The Chinese culture, believed to be passed down by God, Confucius opened a school to teach students more than 2,000 years ago and imparted to society the Confucian ideals represented by the f
中文: “人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”,道家天人合一的思想融入文化的血脉;“大学之道,在明明德,”两千多年前的孔子设馆授徒,把以“仁义礼智信”为代表的儒家思想传与社会。