英文: American investment bankers brought a brash new style to its financial markets, including breathtaking bonuses and early starts.
中文: 美国投资银行家们带来了一整套金融市场新的管理方式,包括那令人咋舌的奖金和先进的管理思想。
英文: An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.
中文: 飞机上,你可以观察世界上非同寻常的奇妙的美景。
英文: At the country side of Oahu. A breathtaking chapel on the ocean, red carpet entrance, wedding decoration , outdoor arch, palm trees and grass for photos, seats 25 guests.
中文: 位于欧胡岛市郊。这是一个面对海洋的美丽小教堂。教堂内有红地毯、结婚装饰等,教堂外还有一个有圆拱门、无数棕榈树的花园,是最佳的婚照拍摄地。最多可容纳25人。
英文: Because of the Yosemite Land Grant the incredible landscape of Yosemite, with its impressive cliffs, massive trees, and breathtaking waterfalls, has been preserved and open to the public.
中文: 因为「优胜美地土地赠与法案」这片有著耸峭的悬崖峭壁,巨大林木,以及美得让人无法呼吸的瀑布的优胜美地绝美景观,才得以保存下来开放给大众。
英文: Caption:: On 2002, after more than three years of inactivity, the Hubble Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) has reopened its near-infrared eyeson the universe, snapping several breathtaking views, from the craggy i
中文: 哈勃太空望远镜的红外线眼睛-近红外线相机及多重天体光谱仪,终于重新运作,利用红外线波段,我们能够看到不少人类肉眼看不到的东西,如躲在尘后的星光。