英文: In addition to joining most international conventions against terrorism, China has ratified the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism concluded by the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
中文: 中国已参加了绝大多数国际反对恐怖主义公约,还批准了上海合作组织成员国缔结的《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》。
英文: Its overt failure to prevent such looting was roundly condemned by thinking people everywhere. It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in ti
中文: 因为没有制止劫掠行动,美国受到许多有识之士的谴责。美国也违反了国际公约的规定,在战争进行的时候,没有设法捍卫和保护文化遗产。美国的国际形象将因此蒙上永远抹不去的污点。
英文: Many large companies in Shanghai have geared themselves to the international conventions and set up aftersales services accepting repairs and dealing with customers, complaints.
中文: (上海的许多大公司都专门设有售后服务中心,接受维修业务和处理客户投诉,目的在于与国际接轨。)
英文: The copyright in the software of foreign or stateless persons under the agreements concluded with China by the countries to which the creators belong or in which the creators reside habitually or under the international conventions to which China is a mem
中文: 外国人、无国籍人的软件,依照其开发者所属国或者经常居住地国同中国签订的协议或者依照中国参加的国际条约享有的著作权,受本条例保护。
英文: The emphasis is put on discussing and studying of the following issues: the legal rules and requirements of dead ship condition and original power sources for ship in International Conventions for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 74)and Rules for th
中文: 摘要探讨并研究1974年国际海上人命安全公约和中国船级社《钢质海船入级规范(2006)》关于船舶瘫船状态和船舶原始动力源的规定和要求、瘫船状态基本特征和船舶原始动力源的主要型式、应急电源和船舶动力机械的起动装置的要求以及船舶原始动力源的维护与管理等问题。