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*['reidiәnt];a. 发光的, 明亮的, 辐射的, 容光焕发的;【医】 放射的, 辐射的, 辐射物[质]

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*['reidiәnt]\na. 发光的, 明亮的, 辐射的, 容光焕发的\n【医】 放射的, 辐射的, 辐射物[质]\n相关词组:\n be radiant with joy

英文: They will come and shout for joy on the height of Zion, And they will be radiant over the bounty of the Lord Over the grain and the new wine and the oil, And over the young of the flock and the herd; And their life will be like a watered garden, And they

中文: 耶31:12他们要来到锡安的高处歌唱、又流归耶和华施恩之地、就是有五谷、新酒、和油、并羊羔、牛犊之地.他们的心必像浇灌的园子、他们也不再有一点愁烦。        更详细...
英文: 1 If a standard or specification for general use requires a defined property level after a specific time or radiant exposure in an exposure test conducted according to this practice, base the specified property level on results from round-robin experiment

中文: 在依据此规程作曝露测试时,如果一个通用的标准或者规格要求一个在一个特定时间或者发光曝露之后明确的属性级,基于此从循环试验得到结果的特定属性级来检测曝露和属性测量程序的再现性。        更详细...
英文: 1 In most cases, periodic evaluation of test and control materials is necessary to determine the variation in magnitude and direction of property changes as a function of exposure time or radiant exposure.

中文: 在大多数情况下,有必要定期评价试验材料和控制材料,以测定(涂料)属性改变在大小和方向上的变化.该变化是暴露时间或辐射曝露量的函数.        更详细...
英文: A \'fly roof\' can be used to shade the entire building. It protects the core building from radiant heat and allows cooling breezes to flow beneath it.

中文: “漂浮屋顶”可以在整栋建筑上运用,达到遮阳效果。它可以保护建筑的核心部分免受热辐射,并使凉爽的微风从底下吹过。        更详细...
英文: A meeting of glances between them struck radiant sparks in her eyes, showing that communication had linked two hearts for love to flow both ways.

中文: 心与心的交流,情与情的沟通,眼神与眼神撞击出异样的火花时她最美。        更详细...

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